Saturday, 13 October 2012

Brain Eating Amoeba Outbreak in Karachi

Health officials in Pakistan believes that Naegleria fowleri commonly known as brain eating amoeba (singled celled living organism) is responsible for more than 10 deaths in Karachi. Naegleria Fowleri is thermophilic microorganism; it is found in fresh warm water, swimming pools that are poorly maintained, minimally chlorinated or unchlorinated and soil.

Primary amoebic meningitis (PAM) is the disease caused by Naegleria fowleri. Its a brain infection that leads to the destruction of brain tissues. Infection occurs when contaminated water enters in the nasal cavity usually during swimming when people submerged their head in water and practicing ablution. Naegleria fowleri then travels up the nose to the brain  where it damages brain tissues.

According to Center of disease control and prevention (CDC) people can not be infected with  Naegleria fowleri by drinking contaminated water. This infection can not be spread from one person to another. It is recommended to avoid getting water too deep while cleansing during religious practices
 and keep the head above water when taking part in water related activities

Similar sign boards should be placed at pool sides and river banks to raise awareness
image source: Google
Swimming behaviors like jumping into the water or diving and submerging head under water should be avoided. It is advised to use chlorinated or boiled water to rinse the nose and to clean out domestic water tanks and swimming pools where amoeba may flourish.

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