Obesity is one of the increasing problems of revolutionized society. It increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke. Moreover obsessed people are more susceptible to depression than normal.
For rapid weight loss most of people bully their body or use different weight loss products.
Loose weight in 7 days!
Quick weight loss!This herbal product, That weight loss supplement!
Above mentioned slogans are Ideal to grab attention of obesity victims but whats is result of these things?? A big ZERO..!! These things do not help you in long run to sustain your reduced weight.
Weight reduction and getting toned body is not is piece of cake! One has to adopt healthy life style to get ideally fit and healthy body. Skipping meals is not the solution for obesity. Following are few health boasting ideas to get rid of extra fat layer beneath your skin.
- Set a healthy weight loss target by knowing your BMI. Now you know how many Kilograms or pounds you should loose.
(BMI estimation is very simple, everyone can easily do it or mention your height and weight below to get your BMI calculation done by me) - Do not drink calories! Forget all soft drinks, crushes, colas, fruit drinks and alcohol.
Substitutes: Switch to fresh juices, green tea, skim milk and drink plenty of water. If you can not manage to have fresh juice then go for sugar free juices. - Read labels carefully before purchasing. The term no added sugar on label do not indicate this product is sugar free, it do contain natural sugars. Similar is the case with salt and fats.
- Say bye to all junk foods.
Substitutes: Give a warm welcome to fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses and legumes. Stock your kitchen with these healthy stuff. Help your snack craving with fruits and nuts. - Use less oil, less salt, less/no sugar and fresh produce.
Substitutes: Instead of deep frying prefer shallow frying/ grilling/ steaming/ baking. Prefer unsaturated fat. Do not use fats which is solid at room/body temperature.Honey can be healthy substitute of sugar or use brown sugar. - Eat consciously and slowly. Study shows people tend to eat more who dine while watching T.V or engaged on phone.
- Manage your time effectively for workout. Join gym, do some physical activity or adopt any healthy hobby. Be sporty or groom your garden! Make the most of your valuable time.
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