Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Don't Overlook Beans!

The populations with lower intake of animal protein and higher intake of various beans including soy bean & soy bases foods have found notable low risk of coronary heart disease. Soy protein lowers plasma, total & LDL cholesterol in hypercholesterolemia conditions. It has shown to significantly reduce hepatic cholesterol and increase bile acid excretion. Hydrophobic undigested and high molecular weight undigested fractions of soy protein have been shown to lower cholesterol and bind bile acid even more than soy protein.  Bile acids are acidic steroids synthesis in the live from cholesterol after conjugation with glycine or taurine. The hypothesized possible mechanism by which dietary fiber lowers cholesterol on the binding of bile acid and increasing their fecal excretion. The healthful and cholesterol lowering properties of food fractions by evaluation the vitro bile acid binding between vitro studies showing that cholestyramine binds bile acids and cellulose does not. In vitro binding of bile acid by soy bean, black eye bean, garbanzo and lima bean was determined, using a mixture of bile acids.

 The results indicate that bile acid binding by garbanzo is highest followed by  black eye beans and lima beans at equal and at last soy beans shows their relative health-promoting potential. Incorporation of garbanzo, black eye and lima bean in diets should be encouraged. Data suggest that, of all four kinds of beans tested, bile acid binding may be related to phytochemical i.e. flavanoid, tannin, estrogenic content, anionic, cationic, physical and chemical structure, composition and metabolites produced during digestion or their interaction with active binding sites, or their interaction with active binding sites.

Summary written by Aysha Marium, M.phil Scholar. 
Article: In vitro binding of bile acid by soy bean ( Glycine max ), black eye bean ( vigna unguicilata ) , garbanzo ( cicer arietinum ) and lima bean ( Pharsalus Lunatus )/T.S Kahlon , Q. Shao.
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Thursday, 21 March 2013

Cardiovascular diseases, Cancer And Bile Acid Binding

In vitro bile acid binding can be used as tool to evaluate cholesterol lowering and cancer risk reduction ability of food. Bile acid are end product of cholesterol metabolism, synthesized in liver and required for fat absorption in gastrointestinal tract. Absorbed fat metabolism leads to cholesterol production in body. Bile acid binding of food prevents their reabsorption and stimulates blood and liver cholesterol conversion into bile acid. Secondary bile acids increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Excretion of bile acid is the major route cholesterol removal from the body. Bile acid binding values determined relative to Cholestrymine ( Bile acid binding, cholesterol lowering drug) binding is a cost effective method for screening foods and food fractions to evaluate their health promoting potential.

Studies suggest that cooked whole grain hard, red winter and hard white winter wheat have significantly higher health promoting potential than their cooked pearled grain counter-parts. It shows red colour associated with whole grain may not necessarily indicate high health benefits.  

Rice and wheat brans have significantly higher Bile acid binding capability than corn and oat bran.Wheat fiber and bran binds bile acid, provides bulk in feces hence prevent colon cancer. Studies show milling improves Bile acid binding. It could be concluded that finer particle size whole grain flour have higher health beneficial effects.

It's been found that process technologies (extruding, shredding, toasting and flaking) and fortification could be used to enhance bile acid binding capability of ready to eat cereals.

"Whole grains and cereals made from whole grains and bran (rice, oat and barley) and legumes, when consumed regularly, can help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers and improve public health."

Health promoting potential of Cereals, Grain fractions, and beans as determined bu their in vitro bile acid binding by T.S Khalon
Image source:

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Fat Phobia

Most of the people think fat should not be a part of their healthy life. To avoid fat people use fat-free products which usually have loads of refined carbs and sugars to maintain acceptable taste profile. Ultimately such diet leads to obesity.

The truth is human body do need certain amount of fat to maintain regular body functions. Fat is the structural component of the cell, body needs it for cell repairing. Too low fat diet disturbs the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and antioxidants. Cutting fat too much can lead to constant hunger. Dr. Cate has efficiently summarized reasons to eat fat in the following pictorial illustration. 

Fat servers many physical, chemical and nutritional functions in the food. Fat improves the flavor, provides creamy texture and glossy look to the food.

Few sources of good fats.
Image courtesy: Women's health mag
One shouldn't avoid fat completely but monitor the quality and quantity of fat. Prefer unsaturated fat and high density lippoproteins (HDL). Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) keep heart healthy, they reduce serum cholesterol level. Take fats which are liquid at body temperature. Avoid shortenings and hydrogenated fat. By the process of hydrogenation liquid fat is converted into solid fat at room temperature, during this process there are chances of formation of trans fatty acids.

Are you still fat phobic?